MATTER: 1458, 31. Part for receive pabshrii (the advance tax system)

1.       The management
2.       For protection of ability, beauty, qualification, slavery and conspiracies of ruin
3.       Tmfpoabqsacon
4.       Pabqscn
5.       पब क्यूस्कन (पब PAB)
6.       श्रिष्टि व्यवस्था हेतु पब
7.       श्रिष्टि व्यवस्था का आधार पब
8.       श्री पब
9.       श्रीपब
10.   पब
11.   Pabshrii
12.   पब श्री
13.   पबश्री

14.   Bader
15.   Omni
16.   Planet / universal /world
17.   International / inter states
18.   National / states
19.   Districts / divisions /
20.   Sub divisions /
21.   Stations
22.   Villages / colonies / water source talaab / naihair/ nalaa / sewer / water treatment plant / water kund / see way / nadii / see / hill / surang / dam /
23.   Block / Part / mauholla
24.   Street / way / gali / fore way / chauraahaa / t point / tiraahaa / left tern/ right turn
25.   Land mark opposite behind left right upside down in basement
26.   Building / Bangla / house / industry / go down/ plant / ground / maul / showroom / shops / stall
27.   Floor / direction
28.   Sealing / room / flat / hall / store
29.   Taand / taihkhaanaa
30.   Floor /Seat / double bed / bed

31.   Part for receive pabshrii (the advance tax system)


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