MATTER 1464 Respected conversation: Provide united force

From:  Head of The World Government of SHRIPAK, Hon’ble Shyawhdo

To:  Hon’ble The Security Council of United Nation Organisation

Respected conversation:  Provide united force

Regarding    revive and strongly apply    objects, laws, orders, judgements &    conversation of every patriot person’s

by commonwealth,    united nation organisation,    Islamic states corporations,    G20,   G7,   unions of states,     states,   districts/divisions,   subdivisions,   offices of assistance commissioners police,   offices of station house officers,  farm land,  unused land and fill building,    employer’s residence for our employ,    industries, wholesaler, retailer, user,   joint families,   couples, friends, individuals

and its religious, legal, patriot, protective, judiciary service providers

as per controlled arias and challenging sectors
Head of Hon’ble the world government of shyawhdo


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